Bellamy T-shirts :)

Version française 

Several designs are already available, that you can purchase at my online shop at Tostadora :

Each picture is a link that will lead you to the right page on the shop, where you'll find many more sizes and items. You can also personalize them, add text, etc.

There's abellaminettes section, of course…

So far, there's only one design there ("Nuage rose"), but I'll add more soon, but if you have any preferences of your own, some other bellaminettes that you'd like to purchase on some apparel, feel free to contact me and make suggestions !  :)

Nuage rose (Valentine 2006)

There's also, obviously, a "Romance de Mars" section, with two designs so far :

Romance de Mars

For Tchoubou fans and/or musicians, there's the Tchoubou pilot, or "Honey Bear Bass Player", THE T-shirt for bassists who are also "cute and fluffy" ;)

"Dentel Inside" : the ultimate T-shirt for true geeky girls is, at last, real ! :)
Dentel Inside

And in the "fan arts" section, there is for now (but more will come) Star Wars Day 2016, with Rey and BB8… ;)

Star Wars Day 2016

Once again, if you want to be able to purchase more of my artworks on T-shirt, don't hesitate to contact me and tell what you would like ! :)